Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) and the European Leaders of Blue Energy (ELBE) Alliance have announced their new partnership to foster the exchange of best practice and collaborative initiatives among their respective members in Europe and Canada on renewable ocean energy.
In the partnership, the OSC and ELBE Alliance will focus on advancing opportunities in renewable energy sources, including offshore wind, wave, and tidal energy. Through sharing knowledge and research, the partnership sets out to support SMEs and create new market opportunities in these areas of renewable energy.
ELBE Alliance represents seven European clusters: Basque Energy Cluster from Spain, Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group from Scotland, Blue Cluster from Belgium, Energy Cluster Denmark, OffshoreVäst / RISE from Sweden, Pôle Mer Mediterranée from France and GCE Node from Norway.
“As the world transitions to more renewable energy sources, it creates significant opportunity for sustainable offshore energy growth,” said Kendra MacDonald, CEO of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster. “We are excited about the potential of this partnership with the European Leaders of Blue Energy where we will work together to meet shared objectives and increase opportunities for our members in renewable energy, while also reducing carbon emissions on the path to net zero.”
“The alliance partners recognize the significant opportunities that could be developed by working closely with Canada’s Ocean Supercluster and are looking forward to collaborating on innovative ways in which to help the transition from fossil fuel dependency to a net zero future,” said Gordon McIntosh, Director of Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group on behalf of ELBE. “Over 1000 companies and organizations from across Europe comprise the makeup of the ELBE partnership and we are sure that the MOU signed today will act as a catalyst for greater interaction between Canada and our European partners.”