COMET, a UK-based specialist in investigation and assurance software designed for high-risk industries such as energy, construction, maritime, rail, and…
North-east companies are benefiting from improved productivity and staff retention thanks to greater focus on training and development opportunities for…
Kintore-based i-Protech, one of the North-east’s foremost specialist designers and installers of green energy solutions and electrical systems has been awarded ISO…
With an 18% growth rate, MacArtney's fiscal year 2024 performance has once again exceeded expectations in both revenue and profitability.…
Identifying the Challenge During the design and construction phase of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel operating in…
Potential opportunity for gym operator at the Energy Park, Bridge of Don AM Sci Tech has announced the submission…
Member News: Mearns & Gill Appointed to Help Deliver Major Zero-Emissions Shipping Event in Aberdeen
ZESTAs (Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association) has appointed Aberdeen-based creative marketing agency Mearns & Gill to help manage ShipZERO30, a…
Exclusive half-day hire of Aberdeen Science Centre now available Aberdeen Science Centre has launched a new corporate event hire…
Integrated UK communications agency, BIG Partnership, has appointed renewable specialist Amy Keast to its energy team following significant wins across…
Salamander, a joint venture between Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7, has successfully retrieved floating LiDARs and wave buoy equipment…
Get in touch
AREG is the original energy transition organisation, working on behalf of members to empower the energy supply chain and champion its expertise. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to find out more about membership.